We attracted our potential audience by creating an original soundtrack which would appeal to our target audience. We also attracted people to watch our film by including twins. Twins are a subject that a lot of people are obsessed about for example Can they feel each others pain? If you are not a twin you want to know how they live, if its the way we live. Twins intrigue us and we incorporated that into our film as normally twins are loving to each other and they get on but in our film we portray them as jelous and out to get revenge against each other.
By revolving our film around two girls and the relationships between them it suggests that the film will be a 'chick flick' and this will appeal to women, as our film is a hybrid of 'chick flick' and thriller we could start to attract a new audience. The audience that enjoys chick flicks may be encouraged to watch our film as it incorporates their favourite genre. Also another new audience that we could attract would be men who would be interested in watching the two main female characters enact a murderous sinister plot.
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