I have also learnt about the advantages and disadvantages of the mini DV tapes that we use in our camera's over the HDD (Hard disk drive). The HDD camera's copy the footage across from the camera to the computer in one straight file so you don't have to capture the footage on the computer like you do with the DV tapes, this is a huge advantage as it saves you lots of time but a huge disadvantage is that if the disk drive corrupts you don't have a backup so the footage is lost and cannot be retrieved. So the massive advantage of DV is that even though it takes you alot of time to transfer the files you will always have a backup of your footage on the mini DV tapes.
I have also experienced using the Apple Mac's and the differnces between them and using windows..

By doing this course we also learnt how to use Blogger and Youtube. By using Blogger we are able to upload our videos and pictures to the internet and to present all our research in one certain place so it is easy to read a follow. We use Youtube to upload our videos to the internet as youtube hosts the video and this then lets Blogger access the video.
This is mine and Phoebe's preliminary task. Since doing our main task i have realised that my camera skills and my editing skills have improved the most. By watching the preliminary task you can see obvious mistakes and flaws that are less noticeable in my main task and this is because i have had more practice using the software and equipment.
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